Dandong Xinsheng Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd

5G telecommunication services influence against automotive industry


Its low latency properties will drive growth in connected and autonomous vehicle markets while enabling data and signal sharing in real-time, which is crucial for maintaining safety in the connected ecosystem. Another key factor is that the network will allow a larger number of devices to be connected at the same time in a more stable environment.

Automobile manufacturers have a 5G pipeline in place that includes vehicle launches in 2020/21. However, the delay in 3GPP directives for 5G - as well as the manufacturing problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic - could result in certain launches being postponed. The impact is predicted to last for over the next six years, with a slow recovery trend toward previously expected levels, largely owing to a recovery in underlying vehicle production. Production delays aside, a flurry of initial 5G launches are currently underway.

Automobile manufacturers have a 5G pipeline in place that includes vehicle launches in 2020/21. However, the delay in 3GPP directives for 5G - as well as the manufacturing problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic - could result in certain launches being postponed. The impact is predicted to last for over the next six years, with a slow recovery trend toward previously expected levels, largely owing to a recovery in underlying vehicle production. Production delays aside, a flurry of initial 5G launches are currently underway

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